English Help Button contents

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Xpadder creator
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Joined: 24 Aug 2009, 11:33
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English Help Button contents

Post by Jonathan »


Getting Started

This program simulates key presses and mouse actions using a gamepad. If you have not connected a controller do so now.

You will see a blank screen and a white tab in the top left corner. There may also be grey tabs if you have more than one controller connected.

To use your controller you must first create a layout. Click the controller button (just below the white tab) and click "New" to open the Controller Settings window. Use the Controller Settings window to create a new layout for your controller. Detailed help is available in the Controller Settings window.


Automatic scanning
Controller connection and re-connection is automatic by default. If no controllers are found when this program starts then a Scanning animation is displayed. Click the Scanning animation to open the Windows Game Controllers control panel. The Windows Game Controllers control panel lists all installed game controllers.

Manual scanning
If the Automatic Scanning option is disabled in the Settings window a Scan button is displayed. Click the Scan button to scan for new or re-connected controllers.


All the scanned controllers are shown as tabs in the top left of the window. The controllers are shown based on the order that you have selected in the Settings window. Connected controllers are shown with a white background and disconnected controllers are shown with a red background. The currently selected controller is shown with a brighter background than any other controller.

Click the icon of the current controller to view the properties of that controller. Click the icon of another controller to select that controller.

Click the Controller button to the left of the controller name to access the Controller menu. The current controller name is shown to the right of the Controller button. If changes have been made since the last open or save then the name is highlighted in yellow and a quicksave button is shown.

Creates a new controller. If there are any changes to the current controller, you will be asked if you want to save them.

Displays the controller settings window. Detailed help is available in the Controller Settings window.

Opens a saved controller. If there are any changes to the current controller, you will be asked if you want to save them.

Saves any changes made to the current controller. This option is only available when unsaved changes have been made.

Save As
Prompts you for a new name before saving.

Displays the Controller Properties window.


A profile is a collection of assignments and controller settings. Each controller has its own profile. A New blank profile is automatically created when this program is started.

Click the Profile button to the left of the profile name to access the Profile menu. The current profile name is shown to the right of the Profile button. If changes have been made since the last open or save then the name is highlighted in yellow and a quicksave button is shown.

Creates a blank profile. If there are any changes to the current profile, you will be asked if you want to save them.

Opens a saved profile. If there are any changes to the current profile, you will be asked if you want to save them.

Opens a profile using text that has been copied. If there are any changes to the current profile, you will be asked if you want to save them.

Displays the profile settings window. All settings are associated with the current profile and are saved along with the button assignments. Detailed help is available in the Profile Settings window.

Saves any changes made to the current profile. This option is only available when unsaved changes have been made.

Save As
Prompts you for a new name before saving.

Copies the profile data as text so that it can be pasted.


Click the Settings icon at the top right of the window to display the Settings windows. The Settings window allows you to alter the program settings.


To assign a keyboard key or mouse function to the controller click on a button in the layout picture. The Assignments window will be displayed for that button.

To quickly change assignment options right-click the button.

To assign a key in a different set first select that set by clicking the number set button in the lower right of the window.

Detailed help is available in the Assignments window.

Assignment Group

This button will appear next to each DPad, Stick and Trigger. Click the button to access the settings for that group of buttons.

Displays the settings window.

Allows you to quickly set the assignments based on popular groups.

Allows you to quickly alter the diagonal setting for the group.

Mouse Settings
Displays the mouse settings window.


When a profile is created or opened the buttons in the layout will show the key or mouse action assigned to that button.

To view the names of the assignments click the Names button in the bottom left of the window. This will show any assignment names in the buttons in the layout or an empty button if the assignment has no name.

The assignment name can be altered by clicking the button in the layout picture to open the Assignments window. Detailed help is available in the Assignments window.

Advanced Starting

The command line options can be used with the command prompt, a batch file or a shortcut.

Xpadder "Profile1" "Profile2" "Profile3" "Shortcut.lnk" /M /C /?

* All options can be combined in any order.
* Switches (for example, /M) can be in upper or lower case.
* If filenames and/or paths include spaces then they must be enclosed in quotes.
* If no command line options are listed and this program is already running then the main window will restore or minimize.

Starts this program and automatically opens the profile(s) onto each controller. If this program is already running then the profiles will be automatically opened.

* If no controllers are connected then the profile(s) will open when a controller is connected
* If only one profile is specified and more than one controller is connected then the selected controller will open the profile
* If more than one profile is specified and more than one controller is connected then the first profile will be opened by the first controller and so on
* If the profile extension is omitted it will be automatically added

Starts this program (if it is not already running) and launches the shortcut.

* The shortcut must be a ".lnk" file and you must include the ".lnk" extension
* To launch an executable first create a shortcut To it and use the name of that shortcut
* Shortcuts will only launch when at least one controller is found, All controllers are connected and All profiles have successfully opened

Starts this program minimized. If this program is already running it will be minimized if necessary.

Closes this program if it is already running - if this program is not already running then it will not start.

Displays this help window


All option changes have immediate effect. Options that have been changed since the settings window was opened are shown in bold.


Start with Windows
Start automatically and minimized when Windows starts.

Start minimized
Start minimized when started by the user.

AutoOpen last used profile
Automatically open the last profile that was used by each controller when it is detected.


Use XInput (if installed)
If XInput is installed then use it. XInput can only be used by Xbox 360 compatible controllers. If you do not use an Xbox 360 compatible controller you can safely disable this option.

Show controller and button animations
Animate the displaying of controllers and buttons.

Process non-selected controllers
Process all controllers at the same time. This allows for multiplayer support. If you only have one controller or have more than one controller but only use one at a time then you can safely disable this option. If this option is disabled then only the currently selected controller will be processed.

Automatically detect new controllers
Detect and add new controllers when they are connected. This option also detects and re-adds disconnected controllers when they are re-connected. To manually scan for new or re-connected controllers disable this option and use the Scan button in the main window.


Minimize when closing main window
When the main window is closed, minimize instead of closing. To close, right-click the notification area icon (next to the clock).

Remember window positions
Show all windows in the last place that they were positioned. If this option is disabled then centre all windows.

Auto-minimize when profile opened
Automatically minimize after opening a profile.

Return to Set 1 after minimize/restore
Automatically select Set 1 for the currently selected controller, when minimizing or restoring, to prevent confusion.


Show taskbar button when minimized
Show the taskbar button even when minimized.

Show icon in notification area
Show an icon in the notification area (next to the clock).


Default Stick DeadZone
When creating a new profile this DeadZone is used by default.

Default Trigger DeadZone
When creating a new profile this DeadZone is used by default.

Default Key Tap Time
When creating a new profile this time is used by default.

Default Mouse Speed
When assigning a mouse movement assignment this speed is used by default.

Restore Defaults
Resets all values to the original settings.



By default the interface is designed with simple colours.

This is the surrounding area of the main window.

This is the background of the controller layout.

How to change the colours
Click one of the three colour position buttons. Click the palette on the right to select the colour to use. Hold the mouse button and move the mouse to try different colours.
Click the Random button to select three random colours.

The colours in the interface and background will change instantly.


Creates a new blank image file that can be altered in an image program.

Opens an image to use as a background.
Images must be:
* 8-bit (256 colours) or 24-bit (16 million colours)
* 520 pixels wide and 360 pixels high
* uncompressed BMP format

Clears the image and uses the selected colours instead.


Displays the controller buttons using one colour only.

Displays the controller buttons using a mixture of shades.

Displays the controller buttons using a glass effect.

[Controller Transparency]

Alters the transparency of the controller.


The list shows all available languages. Click on any language to use it instantly.


Information is stored for all current and previous controllers. A list of these controllers is shown here. The list displays the order that the controller will appear in the tabs, the name and ID of the controller and how many controllers are found. Any number in brackets shows the number of controllers that have been disconnected.

Move Up/Down
To alter the order that the controllers appear in the tabs, select a controller from the list. Use the "Move Up" or "Move Down" buttons to alter the order.

To hide a controller so that it is not detected, select the controller from the list and click the "Hide" button. If the controller has a tab at the top of the main window then you need to restart this program to remove the tab. To unhide a controller so that it is detectable again, select the controller from the list and click the "UnHide" button. If the controller is connected you will need to disconnect and reconnect it for it to be detected.

To remove a controller from the list, select the controller from the list and click the "Delete" button. Deleting a controller from the list will not delete the controller file. It will only delete the automatic link to it.

Displays all controller link properties for the controller selected from the list.

Control Panel
Opens the Windows Game Controllers control panel.


Test Enabled
Check this box to turn the keyboard test on. When the keyboard test is on the times of key presses and releases is shown.

Show Key Codes
Check this box to show key codes during the test.


An AutoProfile is a profile that will automatically open when a watched program or window title is activated.

If only one controller is connected then the first matching watch will open the AutoProfile onto the controller. If two or more controllers are connected then the number of matching watches changes how the AutoProfiles will open. If only one watch matches then the AutoProfile will open onto the selected controller. If two or more watches match then each AutoProfile will open onto each controller in order. The Default AutoProfile (if activated) will open the default profile onto the selected controller if no other AutoProfile watches are found.

Activates the AutoProfile system. This does not change the activation setting of any AutoProfiles. If you open a non-default profile the AutoProfile system will automatically be deactivated. If you open the default profile the AutoProfile system will automatically be activated.

AutoProfile List
Information is stored for all AutoProfiles. A list of these AutoProfiles is shown here. The list displays the profile name to automatically open and the program or window title to watch.

Creates a new AutoProfile. Selects the profile to automatically open or selects "Ignore Default". Use the "Edit Watch" button to select the program or window title to watch.

Edit Profile
Selects a different profile to automatically open.

Edit Watch
Selects the program or window title to watch.

Activates or deactivates the selected AutoProfile. A deactivated AutoProfile will not automatically open the profile.

Displays all AutoProfile properties for the AutoProfile selected in the list.

Deletes the selected AutoProfile from the list. Deleting an AutoProfile from the list will not delete the Profile file or the program to watch.


Associate files
Associate controller, profile and languages files with this program. This will add an icon to each associated file. Associated profiles can also be opened by double-clicking them.


These options are for the developer and testers only. No help is available.

Controller Properties

Shows the details of the current controller. If XInput is unavailable then you must install XInput. To get XInput you must install the latest version of DirectX or the latest controller drivers. XInput only works with controllers that are Xbox 360 compatible and are using official drivers. It provides ring-of-light illumination, independent triggers and vibration. If your controller is not Xbox 360 compatible then you do not need XInput.

The raw data from the controller.

If XInput is available and the controller and driver are XInput compatible then the XInput raw data will be displayed here.

Control Panel
Opens the control panel for the current controller.


This is the background image that the buttons are placed on. The pink colour shows transparent areas.

Clears the background image. The image file and buttons will not be deleted.

Downloads ready-made controller images from the website.

Pastes a controller image that was copied.

Opens a controller image from a file. Controller images must be:
* 8-bit (256 colours) or 24-bit (16 million colours)
* 512 pixels wide and 256 pixels high
* uncompressed BMP format

Uploads your controller image to the website.

Copies the controller image so that it can be pasted.

Saves the controller image to a file.

Select the Pen, Fill or Erase mode to alter the drawing tool. The slider changes the tool size and the palette changes the colour used.


Sticks are either thumbsticks or joysticks. If your controller has two sticks then Stick 1 is the left stick and Stick 2 is the right stick. You can only enable Stick 2 if Stick 1 is enabled.

Tick the Stick 1 or Stick 2 box to add the stick. You will be asked to move the stick so that the settings can be detected. The Detect button also detects all the settings. The arrow buttons detect only the direction on the button. You can also select the axis yourself.

The name of the stick and the directions can be changed from the default.

In the picture drag the stick to the proper location.

Direction Pad

The DPad is the cross or plus-shaped control on your controller.

Tick the DPad box to add a DPad. You will be asked to press the DPad so that the settings can be detected. The Detect button also detects all the settings. The arrow buttons detect only the direction on the button. You can also select the input axis or data yourself.

The name of the DPad and the directions can be changed from the default.

In the picture drag the DPad to the proper location.


Follow the instructions to add, move, rename or delete a button.


This represents analog triggers only. If you have added triggers as buttons you may not need to add Triggers. Analog triggers will be disabled if they are detected as buttons.

Tick the Analog Triggers box to add 2 triggers. You will be asked to hold the triggers so that the settings can be detected. The Detect button also detects all the settings. The arrow buttons detect only the trigger on the button. You can also select the axis yourself.

The names of the triggers can be changed from the default.

In the picture drag the triggers to the proper locations.

Xbox 360 compatible controllers
If you are using the official drivers then Windows needs XInput to allow both triggers to be used at the same time. To get XInput you must install the latest version of DirectX or the latest controller drivers. XInput only works with controllers that are Xbox 360 compatible and are using official drivers. It provides ring-of-light illumination, independent triggers and vibration.

Direction Pad Settings

This is a visual representation of the current state of the DPad. The colour Red shows a direction which is being pressed but filtered out due to the current mode. The colour Green shows a direction which is being pressed and is active. The colours correspond with the button colours shown in the main layout picture.

Selecting one of the listed key groups will automatically assign those keys to the DPad. Each direction of the DPad can also be individually assigned by clicking the main layout buttons.

There are 8 zones: Up, Down, Left, Right and 4 diagonals
If a diagonal is used then the two relevant assignments are used together. For example, if the Up-Right diagonal is used then both the Up and Right assignments are used. This option is best when controlling movement or emulating the mouse pointer.

4-Way Standard:
There are 4 assignments: Up, Down, Left and Right
This option is best when making 4-way selections (such as dancing games).

4-Way Diagonal:
There are 4 assignments: Up+Right, Down+Right, Down+Left and Up+Left
This option is best when making 4-way diagonal selections (such as 4-way isometric games).

There are 8 assignments: Up, Up+Right, Right, Down+Right, Down, Down+Left, Left and Up+Left
This option is best when controlling 8-way movement where each diagonal needs an assignment.

Prioritize Horizontal or Vertical:
This is a standard 4-way that gives priority to the horizontal or vertical direction. These options are best when making selections.

Mouse Settings
Displays the mouse settings window for the DPad.

Stick Settings

This is a visual representation of the current state of the ThumbStick. The small black circle is the current ThumbStick position. The red circle is the DeadZone. The white and grey areas are different locations. The numbers represent horizontal X co-ordinate, vertical Y co-ordinate, Bearing in degrees and Distance from the centre.

This refers to the distance the ThumbStick needs to be moved before the assigned key press or mouse action occurs. All ThumbSticks require a DeadZone to compensate for sensitivity. It is recommended not to reduce the value to lower than 25%. Increase the value if you find the ThumbStick too sensitive to movement.
The DeadZone is shown in the Status image as a red circle and the effect can be seen in the main layout picture. A button is red when it has not reached the sensitivity point and green when it is active.

Selecting one of the listed key groups will automatically assign those keys to the ThumbStick. Each direction of the ThumbStick can also be individually assigned by clicking the main layout buttons.

There are 8 zones: Up, Down, Left, Right and 4 diagonals
If a diagonal is used then the two relevant assignments are used together. For example, if the Up-Right diagonal is used then both the Up and Right assignments are used. This option is best when controlling movement or emulating the mouse pointer.

4-Way Standard:
There are 4 assignments: Up, Down, Left and Right
This option is best when making 4-way selections (such as dancing games).

4-Way Diagonal:
There are 4 assignments: Up+Right, Down+Right, Down+Left and Up+Left
This option is best when making 4-way diagonal selections (such as 4-way isometric games).

There are 8 assignments: Up, Up+Right, Right, Down+Right, Down, Down+Left, Left and Up+Left
This option is best when controlling 8-way movement where each diagonal needs an assignment.

Prioritize Horizontal or Vertical:
This is a standard 4-way that gives priority to the horizontal or vertical direction. These options are best when making selections.

Diagonal Size
For some modes, the size of the diagonal zone can be altered. Move the slider to change the size of the diagonal zone.

Mouse Settings
Displays the mouse settings window for the stick.

Trigger Settings

Each Trigger has individual settings.

This refers to the distance the Trigger needs to be pushed before the assigned key press or mouse action occurs. This is useful if you find the Trigger too sensitive.

This is a visual representation of the current state of the Trigger. The bar is green where the Trigger is active or red where it is still in the DeadZone. The colours correspond with the button colour shown in the main layout picture.

Mouse Settings

Some options in this window will only appear if a mouse movement is assigned to the selected button or button group.

Selecting one of the listed key groups will automatically assign those mouse directions. Each direction can also be individually assigned by clicking the main layout buttons.

Filters out accidental diagonals when moving the mouse horizontally or vertically to prevent drifting.
Applies no filters so that the cursor can be emulated accurately.
Matches the cursor position with the position of the stick.

Emulation Speed
If mouse movement is assigned to a part of the controller then the speed of the mouse can be adjusted using these two sliders. Check the "Move Together" checkbox to automatically move both sliders at the same time.

The graph shows the speed of the mouse based on how far the ThumbStick is pushed or the Trigger is held. The red line shows the horizontal speed and the green line shows the vertical speed. If the mouse movement is assigned to a Button or a DPad direction then the mouse speed will accelerate until the top speed is reached.

This picture is based on the currently selected mode. After assigning the mouse to a control, the effect of the speed and other options can be seen in this test image.

The internal mouse co-ordinates and speed (in Pixels-Per-Second) are displayed here.


The Assignment window shows all the possible assignments. The current assignments are shown as yellow. Assignments already in use are shown as blue (these can be used more than once). Assignments in other cycles (if any) are shown as light-blue.

One assignment
Press a key on the keyboard or click on the key or mouse action in the keyboard and mouse picture. If an assignment already exists, it will be replaced. The assignment window will automatically close. The key will be pressed or mouse action performed while you press the gamepad button.

A combination is a collection of two or more assignments.
To assign a combination such as Shift+X, assign the "Shift" key and then the "X" key. The assignment window will stay open when you assign any shift key (Shift/Ctrl/Alt). The assignment window will automatically close when you assign any other key. The combination will be performed while you press the gamepad button. To create complex combinations, cycles or sequences, click the Advanced button to open the Advanced window.

Toggle automatically holds the button for you after you have pressed it and let go. Press the button again to release the automatic hold.
Check the Enabled box to enable Toggle. Toggle mode can quickly be changed by right-clicking the button in the controller layout picture. The bottom of the button in the controller layout picture will turn blue to indicate that Toggle mode is on.

Turbo automatically presses and releases the key repeatedly while you hold the button.
Check the Enabled box to enable Turbo. Turbo mode can quickly be changed by right-clicking the button in the controller layout picture. It can be used with Toggle which will automatically hold the button for you. The top of the button in the controller layout picture will turn pink to indicate that Turbo mode is on. Advanced turbo options are available by clicking the Advanced button.

Rumble mode rumbles the controller while the button is held. Rumble is only available if your driver supports force feedback. Advanced rumble options and help are available by clicking the Advanced button.

This is the name of the assignment. Examples of names are "Fire", "Activate" or "Jump". The name will be displayed when the Names button is clicked in the lower left of the main window. Names are useful to remind you of the function of the button. It also helps when sharing the profile file with other users.

For advanced assignment options, click the Advanced button to open the Advanced window.


Each button has an infinite number of slots. The currently selected slot is highlighted. Click a different slot to select it. If all the slots cannot be displayed then use the slot slider to scroll through the slots. Slots can be assigned by pressing a key on the keyboard or by clicking the main assignment keyboard and mouse image.

Basic assignment
To perform a basic assignment assign the key or mouse action to the first slot.
For example, to perform the assignment of X:

Slot 1: X

To perform a combination of two or more actions assign each key or mouse action to a slot.
For example, to perform the combination of Shift+X:

Slot 1: Shift
Slot 2: X

A sequence is a collection of two or more assignments and/or combinations separated by one or more pauses. To add a pause into the selected slot use the "Add Pause" button. The Pause added will be the value of the Time created by the Time buttons. Check the "Auto-Add Sequence Pauses" box to automatically add pauses.
For example, to perform the sequence of Shift+X, 1 second delay, Y, 1 second delay, Z:

Slot 1: Shift
Slot 2: X
Slot 3: Pause 1.00s
Slot 4: Y
Slot 5: Pause 1.00s
Slot 6: Z

The sequence will start when you press the gamepad button. The gamepad button can be released after pressing it as the sequence only needs one button press to start. The sequence can be stopped and reset by pressing the gamepad button again. A finished sequence will not repeat if the gamepad button is still down.

The outside of the button in the controller layout picture will show a light blue square to indicate that a Sequence is assigned.

Hold Zone
A Hold Zone assigns different assignments, combinations or sequences based on how long the gamepad button is held down. To add a Hold Zone into the selected slot use the "Add Hold Zone" button. The Hold Zone time added will be the value of the Time created by the Time buttons. All slots after the Hold Zone are only assigned when the Hold Zone time is reached. The Hold Zone ends when the next Hold Zone, Release Zone, Cycle Stop or empty slot is found.
For example, to perform the assignment of X after the gamepad button has been held down for 1 second:

Slot 1: Hold Zone 1.00s
Slot 2: X

Release Zone
A Release Zone performs different assignments, combinations or sequences when the gamepad button is released based on how long the gamepad button was held down. To add a Release Zone into the selected slot use the "Add Release Zone" button. The Release Zone time added will be the value of the Time created by the Time buttons. All slots after the Release Zone are only assigned when the Release Zone time is reached. The Release Zone ends when the next Hold Zone, Release Zone, Cycle Stop or empty slot is found.
For example, to perform the assignment of X after the gamepad button is released after being held down for 1 second:

Slot 1: Release Zone 1.00s
Slot 2: X

Tap or Hold
A Tap or Hold assignment performs a different assignment depending on whether the gamepad button is tapped or is held.
For example, to perform the assignment of X if the gamepad button is tapped and Y if the gamepad button is held down:

Slot 1: Hold Zone 0.50s
Slot 2: Y
Slot 3: Release Zone 0.01s
Slot 4: X
Slot 5: Release Zone 0.25s

Distance Zone
A Distance Zone assigns different assignments, combinations or sequences based on how far the gamepad stick or trigger is moved. To add a Distance Zone into the selected slot use the "Add Distance Zone" button. The Distance Zone distance added will be the value of the Distance created by the Distance buttons. All slots after the Distance Zone are only assigned when the Distance Zone distance is reached. The Distance Zone ends when the next Distance Zone, Hold Zone, Release Zone, Cycle Stop or empty slot is found.
For example, to perform the assignment of X if the gamepad stick is moved less than 50% and Y if the gamepad stick is moved 50% or more:

Slot 1: X
Slot 2: Distance Zone 50%
Slot 3: Y

A Cycle is a collection of two or more assignments and/or combinations and/or sequences separated by Cycle Stops. To add a Cycle Stop into the selected slot use the "Add Cycle Stop" button. Each time you press the gamepad button, the next assignment, combination or sequence in the cycle will be performed.
For example, to perform "X" on the first gamepad button press, "Y" on the second press and "Z" on the third press:

Slot 1: X
Slot 2: Cycle Stop
Slot 3: Y
Slot 4: Cycle Stop
Slot 5: Z

Any assignment or combination will be performed while you press the gamepad button. Any sequence will be started when you press the gamepad button. The next cycle will be automatically selected when you release the gamepad button or when the sequence has finished.

The outside of the button in the controller layout picture will show a black hashed square to indicate that a Cycle is assigned.

To clear all the slots, click the "Clear" button.

To insert a slot, click the "Insert" button. A new "Unknown" assignment will be inserted. Assign a new assignment to replace the Unknown assignment.

To delete the selected slot click the "Delete" button. You can also select the "None" area in the main assignment keyboard and mouse image to delete a slot.

To test the assignments click the "Test" button and Notepad will open. Press the gamepad button to test the assignments in Notepad.

Add Cycle Stop
See the "Cycle" section above.

Add Hold Zone
See the "Hold Zone" section above.

Add Release Zone
See the "Release Zone" section above.

Add Pause
See the "Sequence" section above.

This time is used when adding a Hold Zone, a Release Zone or a Pause. Use the Time buttons to change the Time to be used. Selecting a Hold Zone, a Release Zone or a Pause slot will set the Time to the time the slot uses. Changing the Time while a Hold Zone, a Release Zone or a Pause slot is selected will change the time the slot uses.

This distance is used when adding a Distance Zone. Use the Distance buttons to change the Distance to be used. Selecting a Distance Zone will set the Distance to the distance the slot uses. Changing the Distance while a Distance Zone is selected will change the distance the slot uses.


See the Help available in the main assignment window for basic information on this feature.


See the Help available in the main assignment window for basic information on this feature.

Sets the delay between each automatic button press. The delay can be between 0.02 seconds and 2.50 seconds.

Shows the rate of automatic button presses per second based on the delay you have selected. If Turbo is enabled then Speccy Robocop will give you a demo of the rate.


Does my controller support rumbling?
Rumble is only available if your driver supports force feedback. If your controller is Xbox 360 compatible and you are using an official driver then XInput is needed. To get XInput you must install the latest version of DirectX or the latest controller drivers. XInput only works with controllers that are Xbox 360 compatible and are using official drivers. It provides ring-of-light illumination, independent triggers and vibration.

Check the Enabled box to enable Rumble. Rumble mode can quickly be changed by right-clicking the button in the controller layout picture. The sides of the button in the controller layout picture will turn yellow to indicate that Rumble mode is on.

Left/Right Strength
Compatible gamepads contain two motors which vibrate in different ways. Use the sliders to alter the strengths of the rumble. Click the None or Max icons to quickly set the rumble. If Rumble is enabled then you will feel the changes instantly.

Profile Settings

What are profile settings?
Profile Settings are settings that affect only the current profile on the current controller.

Key Tap Time
The Key Tap Time is the time a key is emulated as down when it is part of a sequence. A new profile will first use the Default Key Tap Time in the main settings window. If the Key Tap Time value in the Profile Settings window is changed then this Profile will now use that value.

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