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Please select your language and country= Bitte wähle deine Sprache und dein Land
I am the creator, designer and the only programmer of Xpadder - a program I started 7 years ago=Ich bin der Erfinder, Designer und einziger Programmierer von Xpadder - ein Programm, dass ich vor 7 Jahren gestartet habe
Over 3,000 people visit this page each day even though I do not advertise=Über 3.000 Leute pro Tag besuchen diese Seite obwohl ich nicht für sie werbe
Everyone hears about Xpadder through recommendation=Alle erfahren von Xpadder über Empfehlungen
Xpadder has now been downloaded worldwide over 2 million times=Xpadder wurde bisher weltweit über 2 Millionen Mal heruntergeladen
This makes it one of the most popular gaming and accessibility tools available today=Damit ist es eins der beliebtesten Gaming und Unterstützungstools, dies es heute gibt
Thank you for buying Xpadder=Danke, dass du XPadder gekauft hast
Your payment has been completed and a receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you=Deine Zahlung ist abgeschlossen und ein Beleg für den Kauf wurde dir per Email zugeschickt.
Please note that this page is only available to you for 24 hours=Bitte beachte, dass dir diese Seite nur 24 Stunden zur Verfügung steht
Make sure you download Xpadder now to a safe place on your computer=Stelle sicher, dass du Xpadder jetzt herunterlädst und auf deinem Computer sicherst.
Problems downloading, installing or using?=Probleme beim Herunterladen, Installieren oder Nutzen?
Visit the Help forum=Besuche das Hilfe Forum
I hope you enjoy using Xpadder=Ich hoffe, dir macht Xpadder Spaß
Xpadder programmer=Xpadder Programmierer
Disclaimer=Ausschlussklausel für Haftung
You use this program at your own risk=Du benutzt dieses Programm zu deinem eigenen Risiko
This program has been fully tested during development but there are no guarantees that it is free of fault=Dieses Programm wurde während der Entwicklung komplett getestet aber es gibt keine Garantie, dass es fehlerfrei ist
The author cannot accept responsibility for any damage of any kind that this program may cause=Der Urheber übernimmt keinerlei Haftung für mögliche Schäden, welche dieses Programm verursachen könnte
The Xpadder program, name, logo, controller interface design and website ( are trademarks and copyright 2006-2013=Xpadder Programm, Name, Logo, Controlleroberflächendesign und Webseite ( sind geschützte Markenzeichen und unterliegen dem Urheberschutz 2006-2013
This program is commercial and must not be sold or shared in any way=Dieses Programm ist gewerblich und darf nicht verkauft oder in irgendeiner Weise weitergegeben werden
This program is only available directly from Programm ist nur direkt über verfügbar
Download Error=Fehler beim Herunterladen
Returned from PayPal?=Zurück von PayPal?
Please wait 10 seconds and click your browser Refresh button or press F5 (you will not be charged again)=Bitte warte 10 Sekunden und aktualisiere die Seite in deinem Browser Über "Aktualisieren" oder F5 (du wirst nicht erneut zur Zahlung aufgefordert)
Already paid and want to download again?=Schon bezahlt und ein weiteres Mal herunterladen?
Repeat downloads are only available on the forum=Wiederholtes Herunterladen ist nur über das Forum möglich
Redownload=Erneut herunterladen
Not bought Xpadder yet?=Xpadder noch nicht gekauft?
You need to go to the homepage=Du musst zur Startseite gehen
Code: Select all
Please select your language and country=Por favor, escolha seu idioma e país.
I am the creator, designer and the only programmer of Xpadder - a program I started 7 years ago=Eu sou o criador, designer e o único programador do Xpadder - um programa que eu iniciei há 7 anos atrás.
Over 3,000 people visit this page each day even though I do not advertise=Mais de 3.000 pessoas visitam esta página todos os dias mesmo não possuindo propagandas.
Everyone hears about Xpadder through recommendation=Todos já ouviram falar sobre o Xpadder via recomendação.
Xpadder has now been downloaded worldwide over 2 million times=Xpadder já foi baixado mais de 2 milhões de vezes ao redor do mundo.
This makes it one of the most popular gaming and accessibility tools available today=Isso faz dele uma das mais populares ferramentas de games e acessibilidade disponíveis hoje.
Thank you for buying Xpadder=Obrigado por comprar o Xpadder!
Your payment has been completed and a receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you=Seu pagamento foi completado e um comprovante da sua compra foi enviado pra você.
Please note that this page is only available to you for 24 hours=Por favor note que esta página está disponível somente pra você por 24 horas.
Make sure you download Xpadder now to a safe place on your computer=Tenha certeza em baixar o XPadder agora em um lugar seguro no seu computador.
Problems downloading, installing or using?=Problemas ao baixar, instalar ou usar?
Visit the Help forum=Visite o fórum de Ajuda.
I hope you enjoy using Xpadder=Eu espero que você aproveite usando o Xpadder.
Xpadder programmer=Programador do XPadder.
Disclaimer=Aviso Legal
You use this program at your own risk=Você usará este programa por sua conta e risco.
This program has been fully tested during development but there are no guarantees that it is free of fault=Este programa foi totalmente testado durante seu desenvolvimento, mas não há garantias de que ele esteja livre de falhas.
The author cannot accept responsibility for any damage of any kind that this program may cause=O Autor não se responsabilizará por qualquer dano de qualquer espécie que este programa poderá causar.
The Xpadder program, name, logo, controller interface design and website ( are trademarks and copyright 2006-2013=O programa Xpadder, nome, logomarca, design da interfade do controle e site ( são marcas registradas e copyright 2006-2013
This program is commercial and must not be sold or shared in any way=Este programa é para uso comercial e não deve ser vendido ou compartilhado de qualquer maneira.
This program is only available directly from programa está somente disponível diretamente no site
Download Error=Erro de download
Returned from PayPal?=Voltar ao PayPal?
Please wait 10 seconds and click your browser Refresh button or press F5 (you will not be charged again)=Por favor espere 10 segundos e clique no botão "Recarregar" do seu navegador ou pressione F5 (você não será questionado de novo).
Already paid and want to download again?=Já pagou e quer baixar de novo?
Repeat downloads are only available on the forum=Repetir download está disponível somente no fórum.
Redownload=Baixar de novo.
Not bought Xpadder yet?=Ainda não comprou o XPadder?
You need to go to the homepage=Você precisa ir para a página do produto!